Web platform links
- Seamless SVG copy-paste on the web - 125
- HTML attribute: capture
- Update on the Layer Based SVG Engine (LBSE) in WebKit
- Frontend resources!
- Cross-Document View Transitions for MPA: you need @view-transition to opt-in, not the meta tag
- Switching It Up With HTML’s Latest Control
- Atomic move operation for element reparenting & reordering
- Web Status
- Visual Viewport API
- Compute Pressure API proposal - 117
- Compute Pressure API docs - 117
- The latest in Web UI (Google I/O ‘24)
- SVG support for the Async Clipboard API - 118
- The Screen Wake Lock API is now supported in all browsers - 118
- The paint order of SVG elements and their stroke and fill is configurable
- Fun with the DOM, the parser, illogical trees and “unknowns”…
- Putting React In The Browser
- The guide to Git I never had.
- Notes on git’s error messages
- Popular git config options - 108
- Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide
- Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using
- Readonly files in VSCode
- Browser or Node.js
- A brief history of web development. And why your framework doesn’t matter.
- The Art Of SVG Filters And Why It Is Awesome
- What was the most genius hack you did in webdev?
- Your background images might be causing CLS
- Improving text editing on the web, one feature at a time
- A brief history of the User-Agent string - 115
- HTML attributes vs DOM properties - 115
- Runtime compatibility - 109
- Badging for app icons - 109
- Badging live demo - 109
- A Global Documentation Platform
- Explore RSS feeds in your neighbourhood.
- Find people to talk to or collaborate with by searching across the /about, /ideas and /now pages of 6481 personal websites.
- How HEAD works in git - 108
- Menus, toasts and more with the Popover API, the dialog element, invokers, anchor positioning and @starting-style
- Chrome Extensions: eyeo’s journey to testing service worker suspension
- From a humble beginning 35 years ago, the Web is now central to the daily lives of billions - 107
- Version 6.8 of the Linux Kernel contains 9.996 million objects. - 107
- Why Facebook doesn’t use Git - 107
- How We Fund the Web Ecosystem - 107
- Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter - 107
- Browser Extensions: Powerful and Potentially Dangerous - 107
- Under New Management Detect when your extensions have changed owners - 107
- Proposal: Custom CSS Functions & Mixins #9350 - 104
- A new way to build custom web editing experiences with EditContext - 104
- SVG sprites: old-school, modern, unknown, and forgotten
- Serving a Website From a Git Repo Without Cloning It
- How to Favicon in 2024: Six files that fit most needs
- Git Tips 1: Oldies but Goodies
- Scroll-Driven Animations: You want overflow: clip, not overflow: hidden
- PurePWA — A Radical U-Turn in Web Development
- Getting into web components - an intro
- Basic Dialog Usage and Gotchas To Watch For
- [Build an off-canvas menu with
- How I Solved My Font Rendering Problem
- Why is Google killing cookies?* The text file that runs the internet
- The ideal PR is 50 lines long - 103
- Git has an autocorrect flag - 103
- Git docs on autocorrect flag - 103
- The Truth(tm) about encoding SVG in data URIs
- Frequently Heard In My Beginning Front-End Web Development Class
- Intro to Web Monetization
- Dealing with diverged git branches
- Using a GitHub Gist like a git repo
- Inside .git
- Open Web Advocacy 2023 in Review
- Select element: now with horizontal rules
- A Deep Dive Into SVG Path Commands
- A Journey into Wasm
- Making noisy SVGs
- Notes on SVG parsing
- Old School Web Techniques Best Forgotten
- The Complete Playwright Cheatsheet
- Weird HTML Hacks
- Weird things engineers believe about Web development
- HTML: The Bad Parts - 96
- How Did I Get Here?
- Google - The Web Can Do What!? - Bring code from other platforms into the browser
- CSS Wrapped: 2023!
- 26 Other Web Development Terms You May Not Have Heard Of · Jens Oliver Meiert
- The hidden depths of the input element - HTMHell
- Media Queries in HTML Video — Adrian Roselli
- Using CSS @property inside shadowRoot (web components) workaround – Ben Frain
- Extending Responsive Video with HTML Web Components
- Simplifying Complexity: The Journey from WebSockets to HTTP Streams - Unladen swallow - Olivier Wulveryck
- Background Synchronization API
- Background Sync Is A PWA Super Power
- Background Sync Is A PWA Super Power - Part 2
- The UX of HTML
- JavaScript engines and runtimes
- You don’t need JavaScript for that
- The await event horizon in JavaScript
- The Form Attribute - Enhancing Form Layout Flexibility
- Rust Playground
- VS Code Extension Samples
Show all 24 link categories